The Problem With Fleas

Fleas are found throughout the United States and are a year-round problem in many areas of the country. In fact, no matter where you live, fleas would probably find the conditions inside your home ideal for their growth and development. Like all parasites, fleas need another animal to live off. For the common household flea, dogs and cats are its preferred host. Some pets react to being bitten by developing an allergic reaction that causes them to become intensely itchy, making them miserable and can lead to hair loss and skin infections. Fleas often carry tapeworms, which can infect pets as well if they ingest an infected flea while grooming themselves. The fleas that an owner can see are usually the tip of the iceberg when it comes to problems associated with this parasite. That is because only the adult stage of the parasite, which makes up 5% of the total population of fleas in the environment, lives on the animal. The other 95% of the flea population is made up of flea eggs and other developing stages. These immature parasites are usually well hidden throughout carpeting, bedding, furniture, and other areas of the household.


The best way to protect your pet from fleas is prevention. Many of these products are easy to administer and need to be given only once a month, making it convenient for today’s busy pet owner. By using safe and effective products like Advantage® for cats and dogs and K9 Advantix® for dogs only, you can be sure that you’ve done all you can to protect your pet from the threat of these tiny troublemakers.



Treat all pets in your household

If just one pet is untreated, your pets can pass fleas back and forth to each other, allowing the flea life-cycle to continue.


Vacuum the places your pet tends to reside (daily in high-traffic areas and weekly in others).

Each time, seal your vacuum bag in a plastic bag and discard it


Clean and treat the furniture and bedding where your pet lies or sleeps.

Clean and treat your automobile and pet carrier. Use hot water to ensure eggs are killed.


Aside from seeing fleas in your pet’s coat, here are a few things to look for.


Increased scratching or licking could indicate the presence of fleas.


Small areas of damaged skin or areas without hair.


Flea dirt

Bits of dried blood excreted by feeding fleas that accumulates in the fur and in the surrounding of flea-infested animals.


Consult your veterinarian to confirm a flea infestation and discuss recommended treatment options.

Indications and warnings for Cats
Indications and warnings for Dogs
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