Solspace Diggie Module Change Log 1.2.2 (November 15, 2010) - Added the allow_guest_votes="n" parameter to the Vote tag. - Moved output verbiage into the language file. - Fixed a bug where some versions of MySQL would output an error in the cp_item_summary queries. 1.2.1 (January 12, 2010) - Added a refresh_stats() method to each item file, which is run by the module upgrade routine. - Changed a query to treat guests slightly more leniently during voting. Votes from a logged-in user at an IP no longer count toward guest votes from that IP, for purposes of the "votes per user" limit. - Fixed a bug where preferences and default Flags could not be set for MSM sites. - Fixed a bug where modifying a Flag's value could result in a MySQL error and item stats would not be updated correctly. 1.2.0 (December 22, 2009) - Added support for voting on and ranking weblog entry Comments. - Added item_type="" parameter for Comment type support. Options are "weblog_entry" (default) and "comment". - Removed deprecated PHP functions to make module PHP 5.3 compatible. - Fixed several bugs where the pagination was loaded incorrectly in the Diggie module area CP. - Fixed a bug in the update to 1.0.2 where the item_type columns in the _votes and _history tables were too small. 1.1.1 (September 11, 2009) - Added some indexes to improve DB performance. - Fixed a bug that caused the {diggie:vote_date} variable not to parse in the Diggie:Votes loop when the advanced_mode="yes" parameter was specified. - Fixed a bug where the show_duplicates="no" parameter would not work. - Fixed a bug where the Author Details page in the CP would show data for the wrong user. - Fixed a bug where the {if no_results} conditional did not work in Diggie:Rank. 1.1.0 Beta (August 11, 2009) - Added support for cumulative voting method as an optional preference. - Added timeframe option for allowing votes within a specified period of time. - Added advanced_mode="yes" parameter to several Diggie functions to allow for usage of most Weblog:Entries variables and parameters. - Added member_id="" parameter to Diggie:Votes function so it can be used to display specified user votes for a particular entry, or all votes for a specific user. - Added {diggie:flag_votes} variable to Diggie:Flags to display vote totals for a particular flag. - Changed the rank_by="" parameter to be orderby="" for Diggie:Rank and Diggie:Author_Rank. - Changed Diggie:Info loop to be now called Diggie:Stats. - Removed Diggie:User_Votes loop now that the same results can be achieved with Diggie:Votes. 1.0.2 Beta (June 22, 2009) - Added ability to delete votes by individual vote, user, and item within the control panel. - Added pagination to Diggie:Rank and Diggie:Author_Rank functions. - Added 'min_count', 'max_count', 'min_value', 'max_value', 'min_average', and 'max_average' parameters to Diggie:Rank function. - Add voter_ip column to exp_diggie_history to track IP addresses of voters. - Modified all references to "entry_id" to "item_id" to make way for future ability to submit votes to more than just weblog entries. - Enhanced Guest voting functionality. - Improved Guest-related areas in the control panel. - Improved delete confirmation screen appearance and usability. - Fixed a bug where Diggie:Vote would not accept flag name values. - Fixed a bug where the {diggie:message} variable would not work as a conditional. - Fixed a bug where the Diggie:Flags variable pair would not output any data. 1.0.1 Beta (June 1, 2009) - Added path variables to Diggie:Rank and Diggie:Author_Rank functions. - Modified the Favorites Import process to be much more efficient. Also increased Favorites import batch size. 1.0.0 Beta (May 11, 2009) - In the beginning there was dust...