
PetMD Gives is our platform to introduce PetMD users and members to exceptional organizations. If our website helped you, then we hope you will be more inclined to keep the goodness flowing, and help them.

Did you know, most animal shelters today do not have the veterinary staff to maintain appropriate programs to keep shelter pets healthy and to rehabilitate treatable pets. Many of these shelters do have a vet on staff and must pay out of pocket for veterinarian services.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates there are over 400 million stray dogs in the world today. Dog bites are the most common course of rabies infection in humans. WHO estimates that 30,000 people a year die from rabies in India alone.


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  • DONATE ONLINE to one of these charities
  • GET INVOLVED by getting informed and then volunteering

If PetMD.com helped you, then we invite you to take the time to get to know these incredible non-profit organizations working to help pets and animals around the world.